How to Choose the Right Shampoo for Hard Water Deposits
Healthy hair starts with clean hair and scalp. Although curly hair isn’t shampooed daily, it is important to get into a routine. Some people shampoo once a week, while others wait two weeks or a month. The schedule you set to shampoo depends on your life style, and individual needs.
There are also many shampoos to choose from to get your desired results. Shampoos can be moisturizing, clarifying, restorative, volumizing, color protecting, color enhancing, invigorating, smoothing, neutralizing, or chealating.
But which shampoo is right for you if you have hard water or go swimming often? The chealating shampoo is your winner!
Look for shampoo with these ingredients to remove minerals and metals: Sodium Citrate*
Trisodium EDTA*
Potassium Citrate
Disodium EDTA
Oxalic Acid
Tetrasodium EDTA
Sodium Oxalate
Trisodium HEDTA Shampoo with those ingredients are considered chealating (kee-lating) shampoos.
Chelators chemically bind to unwanted molecules within the strand and carries them away with the lather.
